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商品详细Biochemazone/Ringer's Solution Buy at low price - (BZ211)/1000mL/BZ211
Biochemazone/Ringer's Solution Buy at low price - (BZ211)/1000mL/BZ211
Biochemazone/Ringer's Solution Buy at low price - (BZ211)/1000mL/BZ211
商品编号: BZ211
品牌: Biochemazone
市场价: ¥11000.00
美元价: 5500.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 其他
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Ringer’s solution is also called Riger’s Solution, because Ringer’s solution contains sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride in addition to sodium chloride. Because it was invented by the British physiologist “Ringer”, it is called Ringer’s solution. It is a kind of liquid that is relatively close to the internal environment of amphibians. It can be used to prolong the time of frog heart beating outside the body and maintain the physiological activity of other isolated amphibians tissues and organs.

Transportation and storage: transportation and storage at room temperature, use as soon as possible after opening!

This product is sterilized by 0.2μm filter!

Validity: 12 months

According to the specific requirements of the experiment, save or clean the isolated tissue.

Because Ringer’s solution contains calcium ions, precipitation is easy to occur. If a small amount of precipitation occurs, it can be used after heating to dissolve or filtering, and a large amount of precipitation should be discarded.

Ringer’s solution is a solution of several salts dissolved in water for the purpose of creating an isotonic solution relative to the body fluids of an animal. Ringer’s solution typically contains sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate, with the last used to balance the pH. Other additions can include chemical fuel sources for cells, including ATP and dextrose, as well as antibiotics and antifungals.

Ringer’s solution is frequently used in in vitro experiments on organs or tissues, such as in vitro muscle testing. The precise mix of ions can vary depending upon the taxon, with different recipes for birds, mammals, freshwater fish, marine fish, etc.

Ringer’s solution is named after Sydney Ringer, who in 1882–1885 determined that a solution perfusing a frog’s heart must contain sodium, potassium and calcium salts in a definite proportion if the heart is to be kept beating for long.

人工模拟生物体液试剂和仪器的先驱Biochemazone™是一家不断发展的生物科技公司,提供高品质、纯化的人工生物化学品、试剂和解决方案,如模拟唾液、模拟尿液、模拟汗液等,并开发学术研究单位、大学、医院、工业、政府和私人实验室。我们的生化试剂经过全面测试,可满足对卓越品质、不妥协生物的研发需求,以具有竞争力的价格准确模拟真正的生物解决方案活动。Biochemazone™在科学界建立了良好的声誉,其声誉建立在创新产品、客户服务和对细节的关注上。我们的质量声誉是在市场上取得有利地位以及与制造顶级合成生物产品(如人造唾液、人造尿液、人造皮脂、人造汗液、人造汗液、人造血清、人工血液、人工精液、人工耳垢等等……欢迎消费品测试实验室和制造商联系 Biochemazone™或本地代理商以了解人工模拟生物流体液体和生化试剂的需求。